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philosophy teacher

I think there is a general preference for philosophy teaching. Our subject is unique in some ways, so we would generally look for assurances that you can teach our subject. But, any teaching is better than NO teaching. The problem is that there are often so many candidates with philosophy teaching experience (and some with lots of it) that it is unlikely that one lacking such experience would be chosen (even long listed), at least at a typical college where teaching makes up a big part of your job.

Bill V.

Having experience teaching the subjects you would be hired to teach is always best, but having teaching experience of any kind is good. Knowing how to build a syllabus, manage a classroom, etc., is all useful. However, having zero philosophy teaching would be seen as a major deficit in a lot of places, and experience teaching something else would not overcome that. As long as there is some philosophy in the mix, OP should be okay.

But note that one of the things search committees weigh when evaluating teaching is competence to teach a certain set of subjects--not having those subjects in your teaching record could be seen as a gap, at least compared to other candidates who have taught those subjects.

Combining some thoughts from Marcus and Philosophy Teacher, above: In your cover letter you could try to spin your non-philosophy teaching as an advantage to the department or university in some way. Maybe that it would facilitate cross-disciplinary co-teaching and other kinds of collaboration outside the department. (That's a low-weight consideration, so keep it brief, but it is not nothing.) Maybe it is about having taught students who are like the students at the target university. Maybe it gives you the background to create a new course in Philosophy of That Other Subject (if that is something that would be in demand). If you can find a connection, mention it.

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