In our new "how can we help you?" thread, a reader asks:
How common is it to feel the lack of a sense of belonging (to the profession of philosophy)? How do you handle it?
I am a mid-career (tenured but not "senior" if it makes sense) philosopher at a small, non-elite school. My job is teaching-oriented, and teaching takes most of my time. I have published maybe 1 article per year on average. I have had less and less a sense of belonging in recent years. I occasionally saw posts here complaining about the unpaid work (and overwork) in the profession. I feel like, "I am sorry for your experience but, hey, I feel jealous in an odd way!"
For example, I have not received any invitation to give a talk or to attend a workshop anywhere. I receive review requests probably like 2-3 times per year. My department does not have a graduate program, and I never served as an external member for a thesis committee. I have received one book review request (which I declined because I did not have time). When I was at APA meetings, I was not part of any already-established circles, and I usually ended up talking with some graduate students who were similarly lost and awkward.
Maybe this is just a fact for me to accept. I am introvert and I do not like (and almost have never done) self-promoting. I am curious, though, is there any way to create some sense of belonging other than publishing more articles/books as a way to let others know you?
Good questions. I suspect this is pretty common, and I empathize. I've definitely felt it at times, particularly earlier in my career when I didn't know many people in the profession. Also, as an introvert myself, getting to know people isn't my greatest forte. Still, I've found that going to conferences helps, as over time I've been able to make friends in the profession.
I guess that would be my biggest tip: send stuff to conferences and try to get to know people. Other than that, I've always just tried to enjoy my work locally--that is, my research, teaching, and friends and colleagues in my own locale.
What do readers think? How common is a lack of a sense of belonging? If it's something you grapple with, how do you handle it?
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