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Sam Duncan

I'm not an expert in this area, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But you might try "The British Journal for the History of Philosophy." They haven't published a lot in this area, but I've seen at least one article on African philosophy there. And they've published a lot of stuff in Islamic philosophy in the last few years. I know "African" does not equal "Islamic" but I think a willingness to publish in that area shows an openness to stuff outside the Plato-Kant "canon." Another bit of evidence in that regard is that they've published a decent amount of stuff on Chinese philosophy recently too. They've an excellent editorial process and I've never had a bad experience submitting to them. Two of the three papers I've sent to them have been rejected but on those I got good comments and I've never had them take longer than three months to make a decision. "The Journal of the APA" is also open to philosophy that's off the beaten path and agan they've an excellent editorial process. In fact, when I did a search just now I saw that they'd published two articles in African philosophy recently and one in comparative philosophy contrasting an African philosopher with Kant. So they might be a better place to start than even the BJHP.

Hüseyin Güngör

In my experience British Journal for the History of Philosophy is the best venue for non-Western history of philosophy. They have a fast turnaround, extremely competent reviewer pool and great editors. I think Journal of the History of Philosophy does not yet cover all the non-Western tradition, but with the addition of Peter Adamson to their editors, they are accepting submissions in the Islamic tradition.

Assc prof

BJHP is quite open to it

Nick Jones

I believe that Philosophical Forum, especially with Alexus McLeod as the new editor, is especially open to philosophy from more global traditions.

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