In our newest "how can we help you?" thread, a reader asks:
As a graduate student working on the History of Africana Philosophy, where do you think would be good venues for me to try to publish my materials in. My sense is that I am past the implicit threshold of 'generalist' and yet must consider trying to publish as 'respectably' as possible for the job market. Any suggestions?
Do any readers have any helpful tips?
I'm not an expert in this area, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But you might try "The British Journal for the History of Philosophy." They haven't published a lot in this area, but I've seen at least one article on African philosophy there. And they've published a lot of stuff in Islamic philosophy in the last few years. I know "African" does not equal "Islamic" but I think a willingness to publish in that area shows an openness to stuff outside the Plato-Kant "canon." Another bit of evidence in that regard is that they've published a decent amount of stuff on Chinese philosophy recently too. They've an excellent editorial process and I've never had a bad experience submitting to them. Two of the three papers I've sent to them have been rejected but on those I got good comments and I've never had them take longer than three months to make a decision. "The Journal of the APA" is also open to philosophy that's off the beaten path and agan they've an excellent editorial process. In fact, when I did a search just now I saw that they'd published two articles in African philosophy recently and one in comparative philosophy contrasting an African philosopher with Kant. So they might be a better place to start than even the BJHP.
Posted by: Sam Duncan | 06/18/2024 at 09:06 AM
In my experience British Journal for the History of Philosophy is the best venue for non-Western history of philosophy. They have a fast turnaround, extremely competent reviewer pool and great editors. I think Journal of the History of Philosophy does not yet cover all the non-Western tradition, but with the addition of Peter Adamson to their editors, they are accepting submissions in the Islamic tradition.
Posted by: Hüseyin Güngör | 06/18/2024 at 09:10 AM
BJHP is quite open to it
Posted by: Assc prof | 06/18/2024 at 09:27 AM
I believe that Philosophical Forum, especially with Alexus McLeod as the new editor, is especially open to philosophy from more global traditions.
Posted by: Nick Jones | 06/24/2024 at 05:33 PM