Since its inception in 2012, the Cocoon's mission has been to be a safe and supportive forum for early career philosophers. Thanks to the suggestions of readers who, like the blog's original contributors, have now progressed to later career stages, the Cocoon's mission will now broaden to be a safe and supportive forum for professional philosophers.
While the Cocoon will still focus intently on early-career issues--as early career philosophers (grad students, postdocs, and early career faculty) are particularly vulnerable members of the profession--I thank several readers for pointing out here that later-career topics can benefit a diverse range of people, including early career folk.
As such, this blog now aims to be a "grass roots" forum for professional philosophers--understood broadly to include anyone who has or is seeking a higher degree in philosophy, or who has published in peer-reviewed venues--to discuss philosophy, along with personal and professional issues, in a constructive and supportive environment. As blog moderator, I will continue to do my best to rigorously ensure this kind of safe and supportive environment for all--and I am excited to see the blog expand in scope.
I close with a few quick reminders. My hope has always been to serve primarily as blog moderator, and for the blog's content to be driven by readers and other contributors. The Cocoon always welcomes pseudonymous submissions, as well as new contributors, provided they conform to the blog's safe and supportive mission. So, if you would like to submit an anonymized query or become a contributor, I am always available at [email protected].
Thank you to everyone--contributors, readers, and commenters alike--for making the Cocoon such a great forum over the past 12 years. I am excited about the blog's future, and look forward to many more great discussions!
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