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father time

It is better to have one publication than none, so if one has a single publication and it is outside their specialization, then they are in a better position for the job market than if they had no publications (this is especially true for those coming from programs below the top 20). My sense - after 20 + years - is that at one point (say 5 years after your PhD) your areas of expertise JUST are the areas in which you have published. I have published in a field outside of philosophy (some of these papers have been cited 50+ times) - I am regarded as a researcher in that field, even though I have NO formal training in it. So I would not worry about publications outside your area - in 5 years it may be your area of expertise


I think the question is somewhat confused.

Someone with 10 publications in "Area 1" has an AOS in "Area 1"

Someone who prefers "Area 1" to "Area 2" but has zero publications in either does not have an AOS in the meaningful sense.

So unless you dislike "Area 2" publishing in it is a great idea and gives you an AOS


How about we resist the slow death of philosophy at the hand of rabid professionalization. If your intellectual curiosity pulls you in some direction, so be it. Don't sell your soul for a job that may not ever be offered to you.

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