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I agree with everything Marcus says. Sweet summer child... one reason not to call something under R+R 'forthcoming' is that R+Rs still get rejected. It will happen even to you one day! I speak from experience. The pie was indeed humble.

What's an R&R

Yea, it's not just bad form or inappropriate, it's out and out lying to claim an R&R as forthcoming.

I've reviewed three papers in the past six months that were given R&R and subsequently rejected by the journals after revisions were made.


to repeat, an R&R is not forthcoming. Forthcoming is a paper that has been formally accepted for publication and is not yet in print. And, like the others said, get permission before you cite someone's unpublished manuscript.

Bill Vanderburgh

To answer the second part of the OP's question, after you get permission to cite unpublished work, the bibliographic entry says "Unpublished manuscript" where the journal title would normally go. Add the URL if there is one. Check house style at the journal you are submitting to for details.

Or, if the author doesn't want you to cite their unpublished work, you could still give them some credit by citing "personal correspondence." (That's a lot less commonly done than it was in the past, I think. I guess you could replace that with something in the Acknowledgements to the effect, "I'm grateful to P for the argument that appears in section N.")


I agree with Marcus and Circe. You can cite your own work as 'unpublished', though.

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