In our newest "how can we help you?" thread, a reader writes:
I teach pre-college philosophy to international students at the high school level. It is a required subject alongside any core subject. While I have free reign over the content, I would like structure for what could serve high school students if philosophy.
If you are familiar with standards-based education, I have been tasked with drafting philosophy standards for 6th to 12th grade. This will provide consistency between teachers, through any staff turnover, and will provide a scope and sequence for deeper development.
My questions are, how have pre-college philosophy (or P4C) teachers, in general, built their programs? And has anyone adopted the standards-based movement in the field of philosophy? Has anyone developed learning standards solely for the skills and content of philosophy?
Good questions! Does anyone have any tips or other experience to share?
I'm assuming you know about these things, but just in case:
PLATO: Philosophy Learning and Teaching, with a lot of different resources:
Grade 11 and 12 philosophy are part of the standard curriculum in Ontario:
Here is an on line grade 11:
And for grade 12:
Posted by: Chris Stephens | 08/29/2023 at 03:45 PM