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Thomas D. Carroll

Great post.

I’ve also encountered quite a few scholars and their work via Twitter that I might not have come across otherwise, and it’s been a good resource for finding out about live-streamed talks, etc. To some extent, Mastodon or other platforms may reproduce this, no doubt to a diminished extent. I will say that I have received a lot more engagement on posts via Mastodon than I ever did on Twitter. At this point, I’ve essentially stopped posting to Twitter & doubt I’ll start again. I’m contemplating deleting my account entirely.

Yet, I created a few Twitter lists that are focused enough to remain useful — accounts related to Philosophy of Religion & China, respectively. For rapidly unfolding events (e.g., the recent A4 protests in China), Twitter has been absolutely indispensable. In the end, I may just use it now for these targeted purposes.

Anon Postdoc

To allay one worry: thephilosophypaperboy.com does a great job of aggregating almost all the papers published in philosophy. It takes me about two minutes a day to read all the new titles and a couple of abstracts I’m interested in, and by doing so I find new work I need to know and get a general idea of what people are publishing (and not just at top journals).

Ralph Stuart

Over the years, I remember a wide variety of media which have risen and fallen in terms of intellectual value and networking. In the 1970's and 80's music, movies and TV literacy were necessary to engage in a conversation in almost every setting. Then the Internet reduced the transaction costs associated with social engagements and Compuserve forums, Usenet, e-mail lists became important technical and social opportunities to develop field specific rhetorical skills and share links to specific knowledge. And so on.

The interesting question to me is whether it is necessary to "replace twitter". It seems that each Internet medium scales up in an attempt to increase its reach and intellectual power and as this happens, the administrative load leads to the business model overwhelming the affordances of that medium. Would a twitter replacement simply suffer the same fate with an year or two as the speed of this cycle continues to increase?

Long-time Junior Philosopher

I sure hope social media is optional!

I've never used social media for professional purposes. Once upon a time I had an account on Facebook, but I deleted it after the Cambridge Analytica scandal. My productivity improved. So did my mood.

The advice I got when I was starting out in philosophy was that blogging and social media are poor uses of one's professional time. Has the advice changed? Is social media engagement now mandatory for academics who don't have tenure?


I sure hope social media isn't mandatory of early career people! I'm a junior person (postdoc) and I've never had social media accounts both out of principle and because of time-suck/mental health reasons. I'd hate to think that my professional life is suffering as a result.


I don't deal with social media at all! I can barely keep up with actual physical reality in the here and now. I certainly don't need another extra layer of 'virtual' reality to keep up with. Email and the internet are enough for me. Adding social media to the mix would result in too much mental clutter and additional work. I don't have the bandwidth anymore, and I think my increasingly limited energy would be better spent on just thinking and writing about the philosophical questions at hand.

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