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John Desmond

This post chimes with me in two ways. First, yesterday in the UK, Kwasi Kwarteng, our Chancellor of the Exchequer, used the term 'grit' in his speech after he had made an extremely embarrassing U-turn that morning. The text of his speech is here: https://www.ukpol.co.uk/kwasi-kwarteng-2022-speech-to-the-conservative-party-conference/ . I was perplexed why he used the term. Perhaps reference to Morton and Paul (2019) will help resolve my perplexity. Second, the post is consistent with my current reflections on the limits of philosophy. My reflections are pre-dated by my acquaintanceship a long time ago with a working-class colleague who was invited to join a group of philosophers to add his his perspective on their work. My reflections are currently informed by the arguments of Rorty (1990) [Truth and freedom: A reply to Thomas McCarthy. Critical Inquiry. 16.3. 633-643], which I find persuasive. I am unaware of whether there has been or whether there is currently a debate about the cultural limits of philosophy, although Spiegel (2022) [The Epistemic Injustice of Epistemic Injustice. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (9): 75-90. https://wp.me/p1Bfg0-7dv] isn't irrelevant.


*Shop Class as Soul Craft* is a philosophy book, written for a general audience, that tries to defend the intellectual and moral value of skilled blue collar work. I think several of its chapters would work quite well in a philosophy of action class that wants to incorporate more working class perspectives.

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