In our August "how can we help you?" thread, an early career philosopher inquires:
I feel a bit out of the loop professionally. Most often when I learn about a conference or workshop, it's from someone already going and the deadline for submission has already passed. This is partly my fault for just not being more proactive. It may also because I'm not on Twitter, though I'm open to making a lurker account if I knew whom to follow to get professional news. More generally, I wonder if folks could tell me the basic places I should be checking regularly to learn about major calls for papers, workshops, etc. (I do moral/political philosophy, so if there's something specific to that I'd also appreciate it.) Thanks so much in advance.
I mainly learn about conferences and workshops by visiting PhilEvents fairly regularly, but I have to be honest: I still miss too many deadlines as a result of not checking often enough (does PhilEvents have an email list function that I'm not aware of?). It would be nice if there were some kind of crowdsourced clearing house that kept track of and sent out email lists of upcoming deadlines, not only for conferences and workshops but also prizes, grants, etc. However, I'm not aware of any resource like this. As one reader points out in reply comment submitted, there is at least one email list for European events: for North American events, and Philos-L for European events, Philos-L "The Liverpool List" is run by the Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool
However, while I've followed Philos-L for years, I still find most events/deadlines on PhilEvents. Are there other good sites to visit or email lists to sign up for?
Philevents has an option to sign up for updates. I receive a weekly digest of any new prizes, events, CFP's, etc. that fall within the parameters I set. You can also set it up to email you every time there's a new one posted, but I find the deluge of emails distracting. The digest has been very, very useful.
However, I've noticed that a lot of conferences and prizes aren't posted to Philevents, so don't over-rely on it. I also have a general sense of when the conferences I usually attend tend to send out a CFP, so I check their websites at the appropriate time. Same with prizes that I know don't get posted to Philevents (Res Philosophica, British Journal of the History of Philosophy grad essay prize, etc.).
Posted by: anon | 08/24/2022 at 10:28 AM
For modernists:
Posted by: historian | 08/26/2022 at 08:04 AM