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Daniel Weltman

I too would find something like this very useful for similar sorts of reasons as you: in grad school I had no problem getting feedback since I was in a big department with fellow graduate students and professors happy to read stuff. Now I'm at a small liberal arts college where I'm the only one who works on political philosophy (and I'm in India, too, which makes it even harder to get in touch with people). I've built up a relatively large (all things considered) group of Facebook friends in philosophy but in my experience asking for feedback there doesn't always work. I suspect cold emailing people in my field would work - lots of people are happy to swap papers and even people who aren't might still read my stuff - but that feels sort of weird and a more structured way of setting these things up would probably be more efficient.

anon early career

I think there are some groups of this kind already, although in specific areas. E.g., we organized something this year for people working on some segment of the history of philosophy; it was specifically for early career people (postdocs, mostly), and we read and commented on one another's papers. We met about once a month on Zoom.
In general, it worked great, although it only does if people do really commit to it (and everyone is always busy, so there were people who only showed up for their own session).

Jacob J Andrews

I was just dreaming up something like this last night! As a K12 philosophy teacher I don't have many chances to connect with other philosophers.

There are existing paper reading groups, of course, which are great. But usually you learn about them through word of mouth—which doesn't work for us grade school teachers, overworked adjuncts, etc. who aren't locked into a university research world and don't have time or means to travel to conferences and the like. It'd be wonderful to have a forum, Facebook group, or some other widely advertised public internet location where people can find readers for their papers.


I had no idea about the PhilPapers feedback feature. It seems like a really useful tool. Has anyone used it? How do you find papers seeking feedback?

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