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What would you want an UG student to do if they were presenting it in the context of an essay?

You would have them cite it, else it would be plagiarized. More generally, any paraphrase is going to take something someone else said and re-state it _in terms they themselves could have used, but didn't. So we cite our paraphrases.

The same is true here, I think: you use their gloss, and then have a footnote saying something like "I'd like to thank ____ for offering/suggesting this particular formulation". Being overgeneral about it would be a mistake, IMO.

how to thank ABC

Here is a way to address the concern:
"When I presented the paper at the XYZ conference, ABC suggested a helpful formal presentation of my argument. I thank ABC. Though the argument, as I present it here differs from ABC's suggested formalization, I benefited greatly from their suggestion."


Like Marcus, I would email the commentator and ask them what they are comfortable with.

Laurence Bernard McCullough

Marcus has it right: Ask for permission to use the material and state that you will state "used with permission by N, personal communication" in a footnote. If no permission is forthcoming, do not use this material. Rationale: It is impossible to be too assiduous in preventing plagiarism (presenting the use of another's ideas of words as one's own).


Just want to add another vote that the correct option is to email the commentator seeking their permission.

Juan S Piñeros Glasscock

Contrary to many suggestions above, I think: do acknowledge the person's help but you can do it in the general acknowledgements note (you can, but this is optional, specify the reason briefly). You don't need to ask since it is understood that when you give comments the aim is to help the author (so the permission can be assumed to be implicit: and really, can you forbid someone from using the standard form to their own argument?). I should say, this sounds like an issue I personally would be puzzled about being specifically acknowledged about: unless it was a very complex argument structure with different ways to understand the argument, etc., It is what I expect my intro students to be able to do by end of the class, and (c) I think the worries about plagiarism are overblown here: I take plagiarism super seriously, but this doesn't strike me as coming near to stealing someone else's ideas, and the idea that someone could launch a misconduct allegation for this seems perverse and farfetched (they would loose, in any case: how could they prove that you didn't come up with the rendering by yourself, given that again an putting the argument in standard form is well, standard, and most often different people would obtain similar if not exact renderings?)

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