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The article is spot on about how many professors see themselves—experts and not teachers. In fact, my high school teacher warn us about this so that we don’t have a lot of expectations. Sometimes I wonder: if most college professors aren’t as committed to their classrooms, then shouldn’t we prepare high school college bound students to be better self-studiers or self-learners?

Going from an environment where you’re so used to being taught well to one where most professors don’t care can cause a lot of anxiety and stress for students. It’s almost as if they’re expected to be able to excel at studying and learning mostly on their own. The transition from high school to college is and can be a big gap for many students. By the time they get better at studying and learning on their own, it’s already too late. I wish there was more “what I wish I had known in freshman year” type information for incoming students.

Here is a recent open access article on teaching and studying https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11217-021-09769-6

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