Gabriel Ferreira (Assistant Professor, UNISINOS University [Brazil]) draws my attention to a new journal that he co-edits, Geltung (Português/English). Here is a self-description from the journal's manifesto:
A distinctive phenomenon of twentieth-century philosophy is the radical schism between two traditions, “Analytic” and “Continental” (better: “Phenomenological-Hermeneutic”) Philosophy. . . The proposal of this new journal is to offer a space for historical-philosophical studies of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century that ultimately contribute to a better understanding of the parting of the ways, without assuming or taking for granted the principles of a presupposed self-identity. . . Geltung explicitly proposes to keep an open and pluralistic attitude that, instead of deepening the parting of the ways, goes beyond it insofar as it is conceived from a strictly historical-philosophical perspective.
I applaud the idea of a Philosophy journal that combines Analytic and Continental (Phenomenological-Hermeneutic) traditions. Or is it an interdisciplinary journal touching on environment, neuroscience, and theology? This journal includes a blog and job information, conferences, and even a "co-author solicitation thread." It offers a forum for early career philosophers. Book reviews and conferences can be found here.
Posted by: William Ray Woodward | 01/17/2023 at 09:20 AM