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Polaris Koi

Thank you for an enlightening and well written post! The teaching load seems huge and that you get any research done at all, in addition to the teaching hours and course prep, indicates very long working hours. This makes me wonder, what are the typical working hours for a full time employee in Ghana? Do philosophers work considerably more hours than typical full time employees? Do academics in other disciplines (say, linguistics or economics) have a similar teaching load in comparison to philosophers?


Thank you for the wonderful post! It is really detailed and informative. The introduction of three philosophers is extremely helpful!

Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani

Ghana runs a 9 am to 5 pm working day. It does not apply to academics, who are expected to do their teaching and research without needing to stay those hours in their offices. The teaching load may be the way it is because authorities did not compute the hours it entails. However, there is a regulation that the maximum teaching hours are 12 credit hours per week. We have obviously exceeded that as I currently handle 36. I know it's ultimately due to the finance, but I hope it improves.

Stephen Hetherington

My first job offer in philosophy was from the U of Ghana, courtesy of Professor Kwame Gyekye. This occurred early in my fourth/final year at the U of Pittsburgh, before the US job market had really kicked into action for that year. He wrote a memorably friendly, gracious, and welcoming letter to me. I appreciated it greatly at the time, and I was tempted: as a young person, the idea of a year's teaching in Africa was quite appealing, as both an intellectual and a cultural opportunity. But I was on a student visa in the US (I am an Australian), which I would have ended by leaving for Ghana, and I expected to need to return to the US in pursuit of a next job. So, I chose to stay in the US at the time. Since then, however, thanks to that interaction with Professor Gyekye, I have always wished Philosophy at the U of Ghana 'extra well', feeling a personal connection (albeit a very slight one, I know!) to it. The difficulties described here by Dr. Ani are substantial. I can only send my best wishes.(And thus I hereby do so.) Naturally, I always want philosophy to prosper wherever it can. In this case, I have an added personal motivation for wanting that to happen.

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