Richard Yetter Chappell (University of Miami) is starting a really neat new series at his blog, Philosophy, et cetera. Here are the details:
In a previous post, I summarized my published papers, with an eye to trying to answer the questions, "What makes your papers worth reading?" and "What insights or lessons from your work do you wish were more widely appreciated?"
I'm hoping to encourage more people to do the same, since I think it'd be (i) interesting, and (ii) helpful for discovering new papers I should read! No need to list all your papers (unless you want to) -- even just highlighting a few favourites, with suitable summaries, could be really helpful. You could also include works in progress if you wish. Be sure to provide links to your papers (or their associated PhilPapers pages) for ease of access.
Write your own blog post (or a public Facebook post or the like) doing this, and email me the link, and I'll add it to the link-list below. (Please also link here from your post, so that your readers can discover others in the series.)
Eligibility: Anyone with a Ph.D. in Philosophy, or who has multiple publications in reputable philosophical journals (tracked by
PhilPapers) is welcome!
I think this is a wonderful idea. It seems to me a great way to learn more about other people's work, and I think it could be a great venue for early-career people in particular (i.e. readers of the Cocoon) to introduce people to their work. I plan to follow the series closely here at the Cocoon, and hope some of our readers take Chappell up on the offer!