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Paul Carron

I agree with Marcus. 1. ask what the contingency plan is (surely there is one for such a large conference) and 2. ask if it is permissible/desirable to submit if one thinks there is a good chance one would only be able to present virtually.

I will say that remote conferences/presentations are pretty lame, both to give and to watch. We make them for class and our students (sometimes) endure them because its required -- and admittedly some people prefer virtual -- but most of us don't want to do philosophy virtually imho...

anonymous APA committee member

The deadlines for submitting to the 2021 Eastern and Central are both long gone!


Hi, anonymous APA committee member,

I should have been clearer. I just used them as examples. But some group meetings (not like the main programs) are still accepting submissions, so are some regional conferences.

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