A reader writes in:
Thanks so much for the rich blog, including its posts on questions pertaining to alternative careers to academia. I have learned much from these, but one thing I have sensed—I may be wrong—is that much of the discussion is especially relevant to people working in M&E, logic, etc. Although I continue to enjoy all such posts, including the recent one from Samuel ... if the opportunity ever arises I would be especially interested to hear from any historian of philosophy that might not have the math skills others have, which plausibly leads those others to find work in technology and so on (and perhaps with greater interest). Just a thought—and many thanks again for your efforts!
Anyone have any helpful insights?
I'm sure there are more creative connections worth pursuing than this, but it may be worth mentioning that I know of at least one historian of philosophy who was offered a job at the National Endowment for the Humanities. I would bet there are several other humanities-centric organizations that would be worth looking into. Another that comes to mind is the National Humanities Alliance, and they would likely be willing to refer you to other like-minded organizations.
Posted by: Early Career Historian of Philosophy | 04/21/2020 at 09:07 PM