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I think you have a great program going. Something I want to suggest is that perhaps you might start a sister program for those considering leaving the academy. As you have discussed many times, it is terrible that grad programs offer almost no advice on this topic, considering 2/3 of grad students won't get TT gigs. It might be hard to find mentors - but I sort of suspect there will be a low sign-up rate of mentees too. I know a couple of people who might be willing to mentor. Anyway, not sure how plausible this is, but it seems a good way to promote an end that grad programs should be doing for grad students but are not.

Oh, and since I know someone will object about all the possible options outside the academy. I do think there is general information that a mentor might help with, such as how to turn a CV into a resume, how norms differ from the academy compared to the corporate or government world, etc,


Another suggestion for extending the program:
I am a graduate student who plans to go on the job market in two years. When my time comes, I will definitly apply for this program. If there aren't enough mentors to go around, it could be helpful to be paired with others in a similar situation so we could at least give each other feedback. There would be an element of the blind leading the blind here, but some outside perpective is better than nothing.

Marcus Arvan

Hi Amanda: We actually include mentoring for non-academic jobs within the program as it already exists, though I think we could be more explicit about it and you're right: those kinds of mentors are hard to find.

Marcus Arvan

Hi A: That's a great idea - you're probably the second or third person who has mentioned it. I will talk to Helen about possibly adding another question to the sign-up process asking whether participants would like being paired with another candidate if a mentor cannot be found.

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