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Alan  White

Helen, thank you for this, and for your many, many contributions on Prosblogion and other blogs. I completely agree about the value of group blogs. I was a contributor on Flickers of Freedom, and that gave this (maybe?) Excellent-Second-Class philosopher some access to really great First-Class-Philosophers. Now it's gone too of course. But such an access was so valuable to me, especially getting to know people in ways that I could not have otherwise.

Helen De Cruz

Hi Alan! I regret the demise of Flickers for Freedom too, and have enjoyed your interactions on several blogs for several years. I don't read blogs as much as I used to, because it's (no longer) where a lot of the action is in terms of informal philosophical engagement, and that is regrettable. I also think blogs did a good job of destroying the distinction between first- and second-rate philosophers (which curiously seemed to coincide with the prestige of their departments). I am curious about what will come next.


It's not a group blog, but i occasionally write about philosophy of religion, and other philosophy, and other religion, here. (Oh, hello Alan.) http://wordsofsocraticgadfly.blogspot.com/

Jesse Gentile

Helen, it was good to meet you this week in Pasadena. Not all is lost. If you go to archive.org and type prosblogion.ektopos.com into their "WayBackMachine" you will see that the site has archived prosblogion many times over the years. This allows you to at least dig through prior blogs if you need to go back and find something. Many people are unaware of Archive.org and the millions (billions?) of pages they have archived. This is one of the only known was to access data on now-defunct websites. A little reflection and you'll realize how crucial of a service they are providing. Their interface is a bit funky (and its not fast because its accessing data archives but give it a second when you enter a search) Email me if you want further help understanding how it works, but as a double Phd I'm sure you've got it:) [ jessegentile ATSYMBOL fuller.edu ]

Justin Caouette

I, too, am curious what comes next.

One concern I have had about the gradual decline of blogging is the negative impact it will have for those who do not stay in the discipline. Blogging is a way for others to engage who may not be doing philosophy full-time anymore. One thing I always thought about on the market is that "at least I'll get my philoosphical-fill via the blogs if this all doesn't work out". Sadly, I don't think that's a viable option anymore.


Nice post, Helen. Sad indeed to see the Prosblogion go. One small correction:

I believe the full phrase used by the Rightly Considered author to describe your posts at Prosblogion was “silly sociological projects.”

Helen De Cruz

Indeed it was, but I did not see the added value of putting the acrimonious phrase in my obituary. You may be right. I think there is a place for all sorts of things in philosophy of religion (blogosphere and elsewhere), sociological and other stuff, and it was a pity the main bloggers stopped blogging on it. I had conversations with several of them after your remarks, but sadly, they said they did not have the time to write for Prosblogion anymore. And the guest posts weren't sustainable either. A pity.

Robert Gressis

I only wrote a few times for Prosblogion. I stopped writing because my posts seemed so much more half-baked than others' posts, many of which seemed to me to be ones that I would have happily tried to turn into a paper.

Patrick Arnold

Helen, really sad to see the blog go but I greatly appreciate your vast contributions over the years. Your accessible work has been a constant source of stimulation and enjoyment. I hope you carry your voice forward to new, better, and even more successful platforms.

Z. E. Kendall

Although I never wrote articles for Prosblogion, I did read some of them. If I recall right, the blog was the first time I read of Rutten's Modal-Epistemic Argument. Now, as of 2018, there are still at least a few noteworthy active philosophy blogs, Edward Feser's blog being one of those. It would be interesting to see more discussion by more philosophers on that blog.

Anyway, I think we currently live in a very opportune window for meta-level philosophy research, in large part due to the vast amount of resources available online, from what's on archive.org to previews from Google Books to JSTOR online and beyond. We shouldn't forget about the Special Divine Action project(s) either, or the 2014 Plantinga Conference viewable on YouTube (last time I checked), and so on.

Given that companies like IBM and Google have been developing ai that can navigate games like Go and do rudimentary-level debating, we might have only a short window of time to accomplish great feats in philosophy before the ai catch up and become better philosophers than us all.

To top that off, current projections for the USA anyway do not look particularly good for the 2030s and 2040s. So if a major project in philosophy is going to get done (and esp. if you live in the USA), carpe diem.

Rob C

You can access archives of Prosblogion through the Wayback Machine.


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