The following papers were published or posted to philpapers by Cocoon contributors during the month of August:
Elisa Freschi (forthcoming). Quotations, References, Etc. A Glance on the Writing Habits of a Late Mīmāṃsaka.Journal of Indian Philosophy:1-37.
David R. Morrow (2014). Starting a Flood to Stop a Fire? Some Moral Constraints on Solar Radiation Management. Ethics, Policy and Environment,17 (2):123-138.
Congrats! Feel free to mention any omissions in the comments section, and I'll update the list.
The journal title for David’s paper is missing.
This said, congrats :-)
Posted by: Pierre | 09/02/2014 at 03:31 AM
Hi Marcus,
I had two things to plug:
Clayton Littlejohn (forthcoming). Reasons and Theoretical Rationality. In D. Star (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. Oxford University Press.
Clayton Littlejohn (2014). Skeptical Thoughts Concerning Explanationism and Skepticism. Symposion 1: 77-87
Congratulations to Elisa and David!
Posted by: Clayton | 09/02/2014 at 12:26 PM
Ah. Links.
Posted by: Clayton | 09/02/2014 at 12:27 PM