Getting one's work read and engaged with is one of the more difficult challenges that early-career academics face. This is arguably particularly true of people at small, non-R1 schools or who have not published in top-ranked journals. You publish that paper that you have spent years on, think it is good ... no one seems to read or engage with it.
I'd like to see if we at the Cocoon can do something about this! Readers who visit other blogs may know that many of these blogs regularly have Featured Authors -- authors who are encouraged to share and discuss their work and ideas for a few weeks or a month. While some such blogs feature work by earlier career people (Flickers of Freedom is the most obvious example), there is, as of now, no blog dedicated to featuring early career people who have published peer-reviewed work, however well-known or unknown.
The Cocoon seems to me an ideal place to have just such a feature. This blog's mission has, from the outset, been to provide a safe and supportive forum for early-career (i.e. pre-tenured) people "to discuss their work, ideas, and personal-professional issues." I would like, therefore, to solicit interest in partaking in this new feature. Would you like to be a Featured Author on the Cocoon? Are you itching to share and discuss your published work? If so, just shoot me an email at [email protected]. Whether you'd like to just make one post, serve for a week, two weeks, or whatever (well, almost whatever) -- we can arrange it! And please, don't be afraid. There's nothing wrong with a little self-promotion;), and speaking from experience, serving as a featured author can be great fun!
Love the idea. I'm interested :)
Posted by: Rachel McKinnon | 09/10/2014 at 05:52 PM
Rachel: Thanks, and great to hear you're interested. I'll be in touch! :)
Posted by: Marcus Arvan | 09/10/2014 at 07:57 PM
Hi Marcus, surely a nice idea! (However, I am afraid I do not understand the way you distinguish the PhC feature from the Flickers of Freedom's one.)
Posted by: Elisa Freschi | 09/11/2014 at 02:12 AM
Hi Elisa: I'm not quite what you mean by "PhC". I assume you're just referring to their Featured Author series. Anyway, one main difference is that whereas Flickers focuses on free will, our series would be open to authors engaging in all kinds of research. A second main difference is that our series would be unusually "open." Basically, anyone who has published peer-reviewed work can volunteer to take part. One wouldn't have to be invited or "vetted" to be a Featured Author here. Rather, anyone who wishes to be featured would have the opportunity.
Posted by: Marcus Arvan | 09/11/2014 at 10:29 AM
Thanks for the explanation, Marcus.
(By PhC I just meant Philsophers' Cocoon, sorry!)
Posted by: Elisa Freschi | 09/11/2014 at 01:23 PM
Great idea, Marcus.
Posted by: Justin Caouette | 09/11/2014 at 07:47 PM
Great idea, Marcus!
Posted by: Moti Mizrahi | 09/12/2014 at 08:49 AM
I would be interested. Though I only have one published paper, so not exactly a significant body of work to draw on.
Posted by: A.P. Taylor | 09/14/2014 at 12:47 PM
Justin and Moti: Thanks!
A.P.: Glad to hear you're interested! No worries about only having one pub. If you're a published author, you can be a Featured one! I'm looking to feature early-career people at all stages of their publishing careers.
Posted by: Marcus Arvan | 09/14/2014 at 06:00 PM