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Regarding books, you should atleast give this a look:


Mark Alfano

If you want something very introductory, you might try Ariely's _Predictably Irrational_.

David Morrow

I'm by no means an expert, but there are a few special issues of Phil. Explorations and Phil. Psych. that cover the debate over the nature and philosophical significance of x-phi:


On the same general topic, see also:

Williamson, T. 2011. http://philpapers.org/rec/WILPEA-3
Tobia, Buckwalter & Stich. 2012. http://philpapers.org/rec/TOBMIA
Machery, Mallon, Nichols, & Stich. Forthcoming. http://philpapers.org/rec/MACIFI

For books, check out Knobe & Nichols (2008): http://amzn.to/4cftI It may be a bit outdated already.

Knobe's original paper on the "side-effect effect" (i.e., the Knobe effect) would be nice to include, too: http://philpapers.org/rec/KNOIAI

In principle, I don't see any problem including work done by psychologists, economists, etc., although I don't think all of it would be relevant (e.g., the stuff that demonstrates economically irrational behavior).

Joshua Alexander

I've heard really good things about Joshua Alexander's new book! ;-)


Mark Alfano

But do you know him personally, Josh?

Joshua Knobe

Hi Andreas,

Great to hear that you are going to be teaching a class on this stuff! If you want to see what other people have been assigning in their experimental philosophy courses, you can find a bunch of different syllabi over at:


Marcus Arvan

Just got an email from OUP about this interesting-looking new book by Allhoff, Mallon, and Nichols:


Andreas Wolkenstein

Great, thanks to you all! Some of the works mentioned were already on my list (so: good to have this kind of confirmation), and the links are all very helpful and thus gratefully welcomed. Especially the overview of the syllabi is very helpful - thanks, Joshua!
However, I am still curious to know what you think about including behavioral economics and this kind of stuff in a course on X-Phi...On the one hand, this work is done by non-philosophers so that one might argue that this is not philosophy, especially as the X-Phi movement classically deals with other issues. On the other hand, though, the questions that are addressed experimentally call into question a lot of traditional philosophy (as arguably does X-Phi), and they can be used to offer new theories (about fairness, etc.) As David notes, however, not all of it is philosophically relevant - but where is the line between being philosophically relevant and irrelevant, and what of it is X-Phi? And: Does it actually make sense to ask this question?

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