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David Morrow

I just ran across this line in Helen Sword's "Stylish Academic Writing":

"Not until many years [after starting my first academic job] did I discover that my university library was filled with row upon row of books devoted to topics such as student-centered learning and principles of course design--books that could have helped me become a more reflective, informed, and innovative teacher, had I only known that they existed."

Reading these books may soothe some symptoms of Impostor Syndrome. I liked Ken Bain's "What the Best College Teachers Do." I came to it too late, but some people have found James Lang's "On Course: A Week-by-Week Guide to Your First Semester of College Teaching" to be helpful.

I'm also a big fan of the teaching blog In Socrates' Wake (http://insocrateswake.blogspot.com), and I've found some good ideas on Teach Philosophy 101 (http://www.teachphilosophy101.org).

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it's been so hard to become a first year student, the adjustments are on the way, but if you adapt on the situation you'll discover that studying is fun.

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