I hereby extend a profession-wide invitation to contribute to a new blog I have created that aims to be "by and for" early-career philosophers: The Philosophers' Cocoon.
This blog aims to be a safe and supportive "grass roots" forum for early-career professional philosophers -- graduate students, post-docs, and entry-level faculty members -- to discuss their work, ideas, and personal-professional issues. Philosophers who are not in the "early" stages of their careers are also invited to become contributing members, as their experiences in the profession may, for obvious reasons, be very much relevant to the blog's aims.
Blog participants (i.e. any philosopher who wishes to participate!) are invited to post (A) working papers and ideas, as well as (B) comments, questions, or concerns on issues including but not limited to:
- Navigating graduate school
- Publishing
- Work-life-family balance
- Etc.
This is not intended to be "my" blog. My hope is to serve as primarily as blog moderator, and for the blog's content to be driven by and for any and every early-career philosopher who wishes to contribute. As blog moderator, I promise to rigorously ensure a safe and supportive environment for all. I will not approve, and will immediately remove, any contributions or comments that I (or anyone else) reasonably finds remotely derogatory or threatening. Finally, anyone who wishes to make an anonymous post (e.g. to discuss an issue they are not comfortable attaching their name to) is welcome to email me their post and request that I post it anymously. I will post any and all such requests, provided they otherwise satisfy the aims described in this mission statement.
If you would like to become a contributor to the Philosopher's Cocoon, please simply send me an email at [email protected]. Please also be sure to tell me in the email your present status (grad student, etc.), and feel free to provide me with a link to your homepage.
I hope that this blog finds its intended audience and grows organically to meet that audience's needs. I very much look forward to meeting anyone and everyone who chooses to participate.
Marcus Arvan
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
University of Tampa